CoDEEC 2022

1st Conference of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Winter 2022









Realiza-se na próxima quarta-feira, dia 16, a CoDEEC 2022. Nela, os estudantes apresentarão o trabalho que estão a realizar na disciplina de dissertação, sob a forma de “Elevator Pitch” e de um poster.
O programa é o que se segue:
14:00 – Welcome to CoDEEC – Prof. Rui Cortesão
14:05 – Wires, Transistors and   Bits  – Prof. Paulo Menezes 
14:15 – DEEC-UC: My alma mater and my career! – Eng. Rodrigo Maia
14:50 – Dissertation: How and why – Prof. Lino Marques
15:00 – Elevator Pitch Session –  MSc students
16:00 – Poster Session
17:30 – Closing
Estão naturalmente todos convidados a assistir às apresentações numa nas 4 salas que anunciaremos em breve, ou online caso não haja lugar.
A sessão de posters decorrerá no piso 2.

Rodrigo Maia

Head of Research at Capgemini Engineering
Rodrigo Maia is a Senior Executive with more than 20 years of experience, and since January 2022, he is the Head of Research for Capgemini Engineering, the largest Global Busines Line of Capgemini Group.
Following his BSc graduation on Computers and Electrotechnical Engineering at University of Coimbra he has started his career as a Researcher at Institute for Systems and Robotics @ DEEC. During the 6 following years he was an Assistant Professor at Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, while he was also concluding the MSc on Computers and Electrotechnical Engineering at University of Coimbra.
Over next 7 years he was a Senior Engineer, a Manager and a Principal Engineer at Critical Software, having participated in several key projects related to Space, Automotive, Energy and Railway. During this period he has completed a Global Executive MBA by IESE Business School, in Barcelona.
The last 7 years have been with Capgemini Group, first at Altran (now Capgemini Engineering following its acquisition by Capgemini in 2020), where he was responsible over to build a Business Unit on Intelligent Systems – focused on software development for embedded systems. Serving Automotive OEMs and Tier 1, Aeronautics and Industrial & Electronics clients, the unit established it is a reference within the Capgemini’s Group. He has also led the team that has created the company  R&D unit in Portugal and since 2019 is the CEO for Vortex-CoLab a joint-venture between Capgemini, 3 Portuguese research centers and Beta-I, performing applied research on Cyber physical systems and Cybersecurity.

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