Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Electrical and Computer Engineering plays a central role in the latest advances in science and technology. LEEC @FCTUC offers:

  • Solid basic training (theoretical and practical) in structuring areas of engineering sciences and in specific areas of Electrotechnics and Computers.
  • Versatile curricular plan in line with the challenges of Industry 4.0, allowing integration into the labour market or the continuation of studies for the 2nd cycle with specialisation in the areas of Energy; Computers; Robotics, Control and Artificial Intelligence; Telecommunications;
  • Strong laboratory component oriented towards the realisation of projectsencouraging students to value the skills and personal attitudes necessary for the exercise of the profession (responsibility and critical thinking, group work and interdisciplinary teams, self-adaptation and demand, communication skills, entrepreneurship and excellence);
  • Integration of students in research projects that take place in research institutes of excellence and with international recognition (ISR, IT, INESCC, and CEMMPRE);
  • High employability

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (180 ECTS)

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Scientific areas in which it fits

  • Electrical engineering
  • Digital Systems and Computers;
  • Electronics, Circuits, Instrumentation and Sensors;
  • Acquisition Systems and Signal Processing
  • Programming and Computer Science
  • Energy
  • Telecommunications
  • Automation and Control;

National Call for Access and Admission to Higher Education (DGES)

Entrance Examinations:

  • 19 Matemática A  e 07 Física e Química
  • 19 Matemática A  e  02 Biologia e Geologia
  • 19 Matemática A +  10 Geometria Descritiva;

Minimum Ratings:

  • Application grade: 100 points (on a 0-200 scale)

  • Entrance exams: 95 points (on the scale 0-200)


Calculation Formula:

  • Secondary average: 50%

  • Entrance exams: 50%


Other forms of access (UC candidates):

  • Regimes for Re-entry and Change of Institution/Course Pair

  • Special Access Contest for Over 23s

  • Special Access Contest for Holders of Other Higher Courses

  • Special Contest for International Students


The information provided does not exempt you from consulting the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES) and/or the Candidates page. Consult the DGES and Candidates website DGES e dos Candidatos

Professional Opportunities

  • Electric energy production, transport, distribution, and management companies
  • Industrial automation companies
  • Robotics companies
  • Telecommunications companies
  • Electromechanical systems and power electronics companies
  • Electronics and microsystems companies
  • Instrumentation companies
  • Industrial maintenance companies
  • Design and audit companies
  • Software development
  • Teaching and Research

Enables the continuation of training in the Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering (MEEC) which offers 4 Specialisations and 9 Subspecialisations


1º Year
2º Year
3º Year